Guiding themes
The following themes will guided the conference:
1. Socio-demographic challenges
- Social inequalities and rural poverty
- Demographic change (ageing, shrinkage/growth, internal and international migration)
- Gender roles and role perceptions of men and women
2. Regional disparities, territorial justice and cohesion
3. Rurality/ruralities as narratives, lifestyles and/or practices
4. Governance and policies
- Multi-level and rural governance, including impacts of European, national and regional policies on rural development
- Infrastructure, public and private welfare services (co-production, multi-actor service delivery, public-private partnerships)Rural-urban partnerships and linkages
5. Conflicts and actors of rural change
- New (and traditional) actors in rural areas (e.g. urbanites, refugees, “spatial pioneers”, energy cooperatives, community land trusts, non-agricultural investors on farmland markets)
- Conflicts due to social, economic and/or landscape change
6. Economic issues of rural development
- Rural labour markets
- Smart specialisation and smart countryside (growth and innovation performance, place-based strategies, new technologies)
- New organisation of economic production (emerging networks, global value chains, tensions between cooperation and competition, prosumers and cooperatives
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