More specifically, the participants' contributions put forward to discussion the following session titles:
- Rural ageing: actors, structures, impacts
- Civic engagement in rural areas
- Disappearing and newly emerging basic services I + II
- Newcomers and transient population in rural areas
- Coming and staying: changing population structures
- Newcomers as actors of rural change
- Constructions of the rural I + II
- Dimensions of rural quality of life
- Rural governance and participatory processes I + II
- EU policies and rural development
- Economic structures and development of rural areas I + II
- Rural energy transitions: exploring the rural dimension of socio-technical change I + II
- Territorial disparities and spatial dynamics
- The urban in the rural and the rural in the urban
- Tourism and cultural landscapes: matters for rural development
- The contemporary role of agriculture for rural areas I + II
- Material and immaterial values of farmland
- New forms of agriculture and food production
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